LIFE AS YOU LIVE IT: We're Spoiled

We're Spoiled

13 February 2015

We're getting spoiled over here in New England! Every week we are getting dumped on with several feet of snow allowing us to indulge in all of those fun arctic shenanigans that NE is known for. There is snow that is taller than me... I'm 5'7", people!

As I type I am on a train ride back into Boston from Vermont to get back into my daily jive and work, even though Boston is strongly suggesting that people stay OUT of the city so that they can attempt to clean the streets. They're working hard, they really are... there is just no more space to put the snow except for the river which is a big no no. Monday and Tuesday had everything cancelled once again which was absolutely fine with me as I was slope side with my beloved family, eating up this amazing snowstorm. We had our annual ski trip at Okemo mountain where we ate, slept and dreamed snow. The first day of skiing was FAH-reezing, the second day was right during the storm so we had tons of fluffy, clean snow that we shredded up, and the third was a bright, sunny and fair weather ski day. More to come.  

Other than the snow, us New Englanders also have the beautiful Pats victory to celebrate. I was biting my nails during the fourth quarter, but was proud to see them pull it off, as expected! The parade was pushed back a day to last Wednesday and they had the ducks out with the team to celebrate. Props to some of these Pats fans... they were out at 5 in the morning scoping out a place to camp out for the parade. In the snow. In the cold. 

How super accurate is this chart? I know that it's spot on with myself and my two sisters. I'll give you a hint... I'm a middle child!

I started my p90X a week ago so I've been staying busy with that. It probably wasn't the smartest idea starting it right before we went to the ski house and pigged out all day and night, but I started and I'm feeling sore and that's all that matters. My least favorite workout thus far is the yoga (mainly because I can't do ANY of the poses), and my favorite has got to be the agility. Combined with the soreness from P90X AND the amazing leg workout from skiing, I'm unable to move... it's great!

I hope everyone has a great Valentines Day tomorrow! I'll be stopping by with an Okemo post!
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