Mount Washington, round two! Last year, my mom, dad and I spent the most beautiful day in October hiking up Boot Spurr trail to the summit of Mount Washington over Columbus day weekend. This year, (almost) the whole gang was able to go, so we spent the third weekend in September doing just that! We ended up staying at the Joe Dodge located at Pinkham Notch lot the night before in hopes of getting an earlier start than we did last year. The lodge was very cozy and accommodating for our party of 7, complete with a room full of a games, a library and a little living room. We enjoyed their buffet feast Friday night, and again early Saturday for our breakfast!

We spent a good hour in the visitor's center Friday night staring at the huge 3D map of Mount Washington trying to decide what the best route would be. We eventually decided on the steepest route, Huntington Ravine!

Being the super hikers that we are, we successfully did not bring a map and did feel a little unprepared when hikers hiking the same trail passed us with helmets and ropes? Naturally, we had neither of those.
It was very steep! BUT, it is very "possible" if you are a mediocre hiker. All seven of us survived and we are by no means experts. It was best described to us as "similar to Precipice without the rungs and ladders."
We once again hit the weather jackpot on this one! Known as the most dangerous small mountain because of the drastic weather changes, we scored a beautiful clear day with comfortable temperatures. A little chilly at the summit (as expected), but nothing a fleece and rain jacket couldn't handle.
Staring at Wildcat mountain the entire hike up wasn't too bad either! The pictures from that linked post give you a good idea as to what we climbed this trip up.
We successfully made it to the summit 5 hours later, noshed on our amazing lunches that The cafeteria at the visior's center prepared for us, and then hiked Lion's Head down. All in all a great time! AND this time, we got back just before the sun went down, unlike last time! #greatsuccess
...and because making little vlogs of our adventures is my new favorite thing, I leave you with 6 exciting minutes from our hike!
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