Thank you for all of your sweet comments regarding L and I's engagement news last week! We cannot wait to start this next chapter of our lives together. I recapped our engagement story last week and am looking forward to sharing many more details of the wedding planning process on this blog and instagram.
I think it's important to preface this post by letting you know that this is a project that I have been working on for a while now. Long before I opened my Etsy shop and was engaged, I had been designing a wedding planner that could be downloaded, printed, and digitally distributed. I had the best of intentions, however I kept putting it off and eventually grew tired of the format and original design. I have since begun updating and redesigning the original planner and will hopefully have it up and ready to go sooner than later. In the meantime, I wanted to share with you the five page wedding checklist that will be included in the planner. (:
These five pages are a fraction of the amount of content that will be in the final planner, however, they are the most important. My goal was to design something that was clean and easy to read, as well as a resource to keep your thoughts and ideas organized. Each "time period" is squared off with the corresponding month(s) until the big day, which is labeled above each box.
The extra space makes it easy to check everything off, or circle items that have yet to be completed. If I forgot to include something (which is certainly a possibility, as all brides have a unique list), there are 15 lines on the fifth page where you are able to include other important details.
I put aside a binder, with a bookplate that has our hashtag to work as our wedding bible. All important documents, checklists, receipts, details, invoice's, EVERYTHING wedding related will live in the binder. Once it is full and working for me, I will give you a tour of that as well!

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