L and I both celebrated our undergrad graduations a few weeks ago and couldn't be happier. We are thrilled to have completed this chapter of our lives! L finished with a degree in finance, and mine in Biology! I'm working on a vlog for graduation as well... should be up later this month!
I felt inspired to decorate my cap last minute!
From Boston, we took a road trip to Ohio to celebrate my sister's birthday and her med school graduation. Don't worry.... there's a vlog in the works for the road trip/her graduation/lake/her move as well!
While in Ohio, L and I attended our 5 year class reunion, and were fortunate enough to see two of oldest and dearest friends. Remember, the baby shower gift we put together last month? That was for this little peanut. He has yet to arrive and is now past his due date!
We made our way up to Crooked Lake in Indiana to spend some time with L's family and get our burns on. My first time up there!
...and I liked it! A LOT! I'm now trying to talk L into getting a boat and some jet skis.
I wrapped the month up by helping my sister and her fiance move cross country to their new home in Maine where she will be doing her residency. What a fun move that was! I think the truck alone is bigger than the apartment that I currently live in.

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